About Our Eggs

We regularly gather farm fresh, delicious eggs from our very happy (and spoiled) pastured hens.

Your eggs are unwashed, which means the natural protective coating (called the bloom) is still intact. You can safely store your eggs on the counter for to 2 weeks. Or, if you prefer, they can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 months.

When you’re ready to enjoy your eggs, please wash them first under warm water, by rubbing them gently between your hands. Use washed eggs immediately or store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Always wash your hands with soapy water after handling unwashed eggs to spread food borne illness.

Please reach out with any questions you have about our eggs, how we raise our laying hens, or any other farm-related things!

If you’re up for an adventure, join us at the farm sometime for a visit! We’re located in rural Hudson, SD, just a mile and half west of Highway 11.